Reducing waste and optimizing resource use on farms

Agriculture generates various side streams, such as manure, spoiled feed, and agricultural plastics, which can be valuable raw materials. However, without proper repurposing, they may end up as waste. The marketplace offers farmers a way to make better use of these by-products and reduce on-farm waste.

Straw is a bio-based side stream that is in demand by agriculture and industry as well.
Photo: Nora Berglund

1. Selling and exchanging side streams
With the marketplace, farmers can sell their by-products, such as manure, to other operators who need these materials. This helps reduce storage challenges and ensures that valuable nutrients or other by-products are utilized, for example, as fertilizers.

2. Acquiring local side streams
Farmers can also find local side streams through, which can be used as fertilizers or even bedding. This reduces the need for external inputs like synthetic fertilizers and promotes the sustainable use of local resources. Browse the listings here.

3. Collaboration opportunities
The platform fosters collaboration between various operators, helping to optimize resource use. For example, sharing machinery can reduce the number of necessary machines and increase their utilization rates. Similarly, rotating the use of fields between different operators can benefit both parties while promoting crop rotation.

4. Reducing waste handling
Marketing and reusing by-products reduces the amount of waste left on the farm and the associated handling costs. Instead of treating by-products as waste, they can be processed or reused by other farms.

5. Agricultural plastics collection – SuMaKi
Recycling agricultural plastics is a crucial part of reducing on-farm waste. Plastic recycling has been a major concern as a huge amount of plastic waste is left unused on farms each year. With the new SuMaKi pick-up order app, farmers can arrange for the collection of agricultural plastics for recycling all over Finland. In 2024 the company collects bale wrap, but in the coming year it aims to also collect other plastic streams. This helps farmers reduce plastic waste, promote recycling and support environmentally friendly practices.

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