Collection for agricultural plastics

Suomen Maatalousmuovien Kierrätys Oy (SuMaKi) has started collecting agricultural plastics from farms in August 2024. The new mobile application enables easy ordering of the collection to your farm.

In 2024, SuMaKi will focus on collecting only white and coloured bale plastics.

SuMaKi application

The collection is free of charge for farms when the sorting is done correctly, i.e. the white bale plastics are separated from the coloured ones. The plastics must also be clean, with no soil, material residues or metal objects. When placing an order, the application asks for an estimation of the sorting

.In 2024, SuMaKi will focus on collecting only white and coloured bale plastics. However, it is planned that the company will collect also collect other plastics in the future. The SuMaKi app is available in the Apple and Android app stores, instructions for the service are here.

Agricultural plastics in Finland

The recycling of agricultural plastics has been a key issue when talking about the circular economy in agriculture. It is estimated that 12,000 tonnes of agricultural plastic waste is generated in Finland each year, of which 7,000 tonnes is bale plastic.

Recycling agricultural plastics can significantly reduce the amount of waste and the farm’s carbon footprint. Efficient recycling of plastics enables the recovery of virgin raw materials and the production of new plastic products.


Suomen Maatalousmuovien Kierrätys Oy (SuMaKi) is an agro-plastic recycling company that is developing a nationwide system for the collection and recycling of agro-plastics.

The company’s aim is for manufacturers, importers and sellers of agro-plastics to take voluntary responsibility for the collection and recycling of agricultural plastics, even if they have no legal obligation to recycle them.

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