Upcoming events

KiertoaSuomesta.fi will participate in many upcoming events on circular economy and agriculture, both online in webinars and on site in Finland. Check out the events below and mark them in your calendar!

MTK:n kesätyöntekijä Joel Pesonen ja TREASoURcE-hankkeen projektipäällikkö Nora Berglund esittelivät KiertoaSuomesta.fi -alustaa Farmari -messuilla Seinäjoella heinäkuussa 2024.
MTK’s summer trainee Joel Pesonen and project manager Nora Berglund presenting the KiertoaSuomesta.fi platform at the Farmari Agricultural Exhibition in Seinäjoki in July 2024. Photo: Kimmo Aalto

PA Nutri Talks -webinar
Mon 23.9.2024, 10.15-15 (EET, Finnish time)
The TREASoURcE project and KiertoaSuomesta.fi are participating in the PA Nutri Talks event on nutrient recycling in the EU. The event will bring together a number of stakeholders, including ELY Centres, researchers and other experts. The aim is to promote cooperation on nutrient recycling in the Baltic Sea region. There will also be a 30-minute discussion to promote cooperation. The event will be held in English

More information and registratio: PA Nutri Talks – Nutrient recycling in the Baltic Sea Region

Agricultural Machine Fair
17.-19.10.2024, Exhibition Center Helsinki
KiertoaSuomesta.fi has been selected to participate in the Innovation Market at the Finnish Agricultural Machine Fair. We will be there together with the Finnish Food Authority, BSAG and the Pyhäjärvi Institute. Come and learn more about our services and circular economy innovations!

More information: MaatalousKonemessut

Salo Circular Economy Forum
ti 5.11. klo 8.30-16, Salo
Circular Economy Forum 2024 @Salo brings the latest news from the circular economy sector to Salo! The event will showcase how circular economy experts are solving the challenges of the future and creating new innovative and resource-wise businesses. The second part of the seminar at 11-12.30 will focus on the bioeconomy and biogas, including a presentation by the TREASoURcE project and KiertoaSuomesta.fi.

More information and registration: Kiertotalousfoorumi 2024 @Salo

More events to come!
December 2024
eMuovi, which focuses on the circular economy of plastics, will hold a final webinar in December 2024. Plans for new cooperation between eMuovi and the KiertoaSuomesta.fi website will be announced, an interesting new addition to the marketplace is on the way!

To stay up to date, follow the project’s channels and subscribe to our newsletter (in Finnish):

🔗 KiertoaSuomesta.fi – uutiskirje

🔗 KiertoaSuomesta.fi – Facebook

🔗 KiertoaSuomesta.fi – Instagram

🔗 KiertoaSuomesta.fi – LinkedIn

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